Ordinances/Resolutions Ordinances 2023-3 Updating Chapters 14, 17 and 25 2023-2 Maximum Residential Density 2023-1 All-Terrain and Utility Vehicle Routes Ordinance 2022-01 Municipal Cooperation Agreement with the City of River Falls to Collect Delinquent Utility Charges Ordinance 2018-1; Non-Ferrous Metallic Mining Ordinance Repeal & Replace Chpt. 10 of Town Code - Public Nuisances Dog Control Ordinances & Policies Large Gatherings Resolutions Resolution for Electors to Adopt the Town Tax Levy at Special town Meeting of the Electors - November 6, 2023 Resolution 2023 - A Establishing a Schedule of Forfeitures and Cash Deposits for Use with Citations Issued Resolution 2017-A - Impact Fee Extension Resolution Resolution 2017-B - Town's Position on SB 309 and AB 399 Resolution 2016 - B Adopt Chapter 17.06 and Corresponding Zoning Map as Certified by DATCP on February 19, 2016