

The Town of River Falls makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the use or reuse of the data provided herewith, regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. THE DATA IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO GUARANTEE OR REPRESENTATION ABOUT THE ACCURACY, CURRENCY, SUITABILITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, RELIABILITY, OR FITNESS OF THE DATA FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The Town of River Falls shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, compensatory or consequential damages or third party claims resulting from the use of this data, even if the Town of River Falls has been advised of the possibility of such potential loss or damage. This data may not be used in states that do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages.

In order to print reports and maps with this program you will need to have Adobe Reader installed on your PC.

Questions regarding the town-zoning map should be directed to Don Rodewald, Town of River Falls Zoning Administrator at (715) 307-0564 or [email protected].

Note: Map may take a while to load depending on your connection speed

Click here to the Map

Chapter 17 - Zoning Code